Smuggling Snacks into the Park: IN MY OPINION

Smuggling Snacks

I swear if ballparks ever went to a clear bag policy I would be so sad. I love and when I say love, the one thing I look forward to more than anything is bringing in illegal snacks to the park. I mean even when I was a kid it was the coolest little feeling was smuggling snacks past security. Now as an adult I know they don't care at all at the gate, but I still have some nerves about it. But whatever we all do it or have done it and if you're reading this and say I have never done that maybe as an adult but ask your parents about when you were a kid.
Okay, I wanted to talk about some of my favorite snacks to smuggle in. The first and foremost is all individually wrapped candy. This can be starburst, jolly ranchers, chocolate-which I don't recommend midseason. But wrapped candy is such a delicacy because you can bring in so much and it's so cheap and it can last you the whole game. It's great for sharing with those you go with, cause if you go to a game by yourself your either a die-hard Mariners fan like me and you have no friends who want to see the Mariners or you're a loner. I am just kidding but for real we all go to the park with other people that's the fun of the game and part of going to the game.
The next favorite of mine is peanuts and sunflower seeds. Yes, you can easily get these at the park for a ridiculous price. Why not go to your local Walmart, grab a bag or two and you have a solid little snack that keeps you awake and keeps your cravings for more food down. At least for me, I love to eat seeds while I am driving and it keeps my hunger to a low and keeps me awake. I also swear by it, but if you don't put your shells into something at the ballpark you're the worst kind of person. The cleaning people already have enough to clean up, be kind and make their job a little easier. I mean they're cleaning up after thousands of people.
I gotta kick it back to snacks I loved as a kid and my kid loves those are Capri Sun and fruit snacks. There is just something about slamming a Capri sun back on a warm summer night at the ballpark there's nothing like it. Well maybe slamming back a couple of more adult drinks, unless that's not your thing and I respect that. Just please don't get drunk at the ballpark, there are kids there and no one wants drunk you causing a scene and ruining a great moment for a kid. Also, fruit snacks are just always a great bet for kids and for myself as an adult to be happy. their sweet and they can take the edge off being hungry for a few minutes. For kids, they're life-changing pair it with an apple sauce pouch which I will also eat. The kid and I are set.
Okay, lastly if you have a big enough bag, bring some popcorn. I love popcorn and it's just so much cheaper to bring it from home. But let's talk about salty snacks to wrap it up. Get me some Ritz and cheese itz. These are two of my favorite snacks in general. But for some reason for baseball games, you either need really salty or sweet. nothing in between, but that's the best thing about watching a baseball game is you get both. But these are the easiest and take up not a lot of room in the bag that has the gloves for the foul ball and can even fit inside the glove for expert-level smuggling.
You wanna talk about expert-level smuggling, let me tell you a few tricks- overstuff the bag. This helps the bag checker not see all the goodies you aren't paying for in the park. If its a night game bring a blanket. it's awesome for putting on the top of the bag. If you have a family going. use one bag for the gloves and some snacks. This creates a good distraction. Just always make sure your snacks are on the bottom of the bags please that's the easiest way to smuggle them in and get away with it, which you will either way.


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